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Linda A. Chancey

Brunswick, Georgia Travel Agent
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Linda A. Chancey

Linda A. Chancey

Brunswick, Georgia Travel Agent
Coastal Ga Traveler Dna.Travel, an independent agent with Nexion, LLC, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Destinations, Heritage & Ancestry Tours

I adore travel and have ever since taking my first overseas trip on a C-130 to Bermuda when I was 19 and in the USMC. Yes, I'm a veteran and have the esprit de corps devoted to travelers!  Are you seeking a dedicated IATAN Travel Adviser???   I want to help you explore your dream destination. 

Travel is as exciting as ever, even more so in these post-pandemic times.  We advise our eager travelers about visitations all over the known earth with a focus on Europe.   There is nothing more exciting than the anticipation of a journey to unknown lands, or the desire to revisit places once traveled in the past or to visit ancestral homelands where your people once lived, worked, loved, and laughed. People love to travel, enjoy bragging rights about their adventures.  My job is to motivate them, plan complicated itineraries and advise on current and future travels.  

My credentials have been with Nexion since 2009. I have spent the last  12 years traveling to Destination Travel Expos, supplier events, regional & national training, and being a member of ASTA, the American Society of Travel Advisors.  I have extensive product experience, take the time to learn about supplier offerings and how to be effective in the travel advisory business.  You may only book one or two trips a year.  Travel Advisors book many, and in post-pandemic travel, you need assistance you can trust.  The State of Georgia Insurance Commissioner licenses me to counsel and place travel insurance to make sure your dreams come true. 

While possessing a very diverse background in entrepreneurial businesses, telecommunications, agriculture, silviculture & land ownership (personally owning 500 acres of forest & pecan orchards,) my efforts are best spent assisting others in their search meaningful cultural and social anthropological travel.  Living close to the earth helps one appreciate the gifts the human race has placed on the earth during its' habitation.  We place emphasis on genetic genealogy and helping families travel together for family reunions or locating their genetic origins, looking at family migratory journeys, and seeking ancestral homelands as destinations.   Often families like to travel together to knit relationships, wherever the destination.  Our business is a mix of riverboat cruising, especially in Europe, architecturally & historically interesting destinations, with luxury travel sprinkled into a mix of cultural archeology and anthropology.  

The clients we represent are interested in European cultural arts, music, architecture, anthropological archeology adventures, those well-read and literate in the sciences and history of the world, or those with leisure time to pursue such endeavors. Our adventurers & explorers love immersion in indigenous cultures and destinations, spend hours in museums, love castles, architecture, art, history &  historical sites.  We appreciate your devotion and dedication to the finest pursuits of travel. 

Our clients are equally comfortable in a 5-star restaurant or chewing jerky under the Aurora Borealis with the Samis, having a picnic in Paris, or riding horses in the parks of Ireland.  There are no bounds nor restrictions in the destination's depth to ensure our clients exceed their expectations in a travel advisor.  And if you crave the out-of-doors and a spa adventure, we know some wondrous places for you to explore. 



Genetic Genealogy, ancestral origins, European Cul

Courtly Love
Courtly Love

Ever considered a lifetime journey to meet family members abroad?  Are you interested in ancestral origins??  Having studied genetic genealogy and applying DNA testing since 2004, we can help with an initial travel study &  connect your family with one of our qualified genetic genealogists.  Our well-connected understanding of genetic genealogy and working with paper-trail genealogists help to define your ancestral origins.   It's more than knowing your Haplotype and where you belong on the Phylogenetic Family Tree.    We work with genealogist & ancestry matching revolving around your ancestral origins to translate into a meaningful journey to ancestral homelands. 


Certified ASTA Travel Agent
IATAN Holder

My Travel Stories

City transit from the Airport to Vienna