Amber Couch

La Crescenta, California Travel Agent
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Amber Couch

Amber Couch

La Crescenta, California Travel Agent
Archer Travel, a Internova Travel Group Network affiliate agency
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Family Vacation Planner

Green Gables in Prince Edward Island, Canada
Green Gables in Prince Edward Island, Canada

I am a travel wish fulfiller.

From choosing suitable transportation and amazing accommodations to organizing family-friendly activities, my assistance allows parents to focus on creating lasting memories with their children.

I believe, with the proper planning, every family can have a fabulous, enjoyable, and relaxing vacation that creates positive memories.

Do you ever find yourself feeling swamped by the endless vacation possibilities available? Are you concerned that you don't have enough time to plan the perfect trip? Worried that you may miss out on an epic experience because you lack the right knowledge?

Have you ever come back from vacation feeling like you need a vacation from your vacation?

Look no further than Literary Travel, where I take care of everything for you! I provide you with a range of exciting activities to make the most of your vacation. You'll return feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle whatever comes your way. Your loved ones will cherish the memories you make with them for years to come, and won't stop asking about your next destination!


My Travel Experience

Places I’ve personally traveled to or destinations I’ve booked for my clients.

Customer Testimonials

Washington, DC

“Amber knows all the best tidbits and tips and tricks of every place we've gone, and it's always been a joy to travel and really get a feel of the places we go without feeling rushed on one end or bored on another. Perfectly paced fun.”

Provided by Elizabeth H. Denver, CO

New England Adventure

“Amber takes charge of all the details and goes above and beyond in organizing our itinerary. She takes our preferences into account and comes up with fantastic ideas. Whether it's navigating our way to a remote lighthouse or calculating the precise amount of funds required for a Metro card, she has it all covered.”

Provided by Lori C. Norfolk, VA

Barcelona & Madrid 2023

“Amber always encourages me to step out of my comfort zone to explore more of what life has to offer. Each and every time, I have made life long memories and learned so much just through her enthusiasm to explore new things!”

Provided by Adele C. Richmond, VA