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Emily Foggio

Richmond, Virginia Travel Agent
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Emily Foggio

Emily Foggio

Richmond, Virginia Travel Agent
ExplorABLE Travels, an independent agent with KHM Travel Group, OH, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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ExplorABLE Travels

"Jurassic Falls"- Kauai, Hawaii

 My name is Emily Foggio. I am a certified occupational therapist working in an inpatient rehab hospital and beginning a new venture as a travel advisor. 

As an occupational therapist, it is my goal to help each person I work with increase their independence in meaningful activities of daily living (ADLs) such as self care, leisure skills, and social engagement. Through my work I have had the privilege of treating a diverse range of diagnoses including but not limited to brain injuries, amputations, spinal cord injuries, and strokes. 

Despite the differences between diagnoses and treatment plans, I've observed a shared desire of individuals who want to continue exploring the beauty of the world around us despite the difficulties they may have endured. Many times I have had patients express disappointment that they would be missing a family vacation, or would not be able to participate in their travels due to their functional limitations or hospitalization. In some cases, I have had the ability to help a patient adapt their vacation, enabling them to participate in family events or explore destinations that they thought were not possible. It was through these interactions and experiences that led me to begin ExplorABLE Travels. 

With ExplorABLE Travels, while my specialty is in accessible travel, I am excited and able to plan travel for all ability levels and for any occasion including honeymoons, family travel, couples trips, group trips, and multi-generational vacations. My goal is to help individuals nurture their passion for exploration, regardless of their ability level.  Our world is meant to be explored and discovered, and I'm here to help you craft and navigate your next travel adventure.