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Tenisha Thompson

Southfield, Michigan Travel Agent
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Tenisha Thompson

Tenisha Thompson

Southfield, Michigan Travel Agent
Pure Essence Travel, an independent agent with Nexion, LLC, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Agent Specializing in Bali, Indonesia & Solo Trips

As an avid traveler with a passion for exploration and cultural immersion, I've dedicated myself to curating unforgettable journeys tailored to your desires. With a focus on Bali, Indonesia, I specialize in crafting experiences that immerse you in the vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and unparalleled beauty of this enchanting destination. Whether you're dreaming of a solo adventure to find your inner peace amidst Bali's tranquil scenery or seeking the camaraderie of a group trip with like-minded women, I'm here to turn your travel dreams into reality. With meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to personalized service, I ensure that every aspect of your journey is seamless and unforgettable. Let's embark on a journey of discovery together, where every moment is filled with adventure, relaxation, and the joy of exploration. Get ready to experience Bali like never before!

My Travel Specialties

Bali Specialist

Tanah Lot
Welcome to Pure Essence Travel, where I believe that every journey begins with a single step, and every adventure holds the promise of discovery.My name is Tenisha, and my love affair with travel ignited in the vibrant year of 2022. It all ... Read more from my Bali Specialist bio.

Luxury Solo and Group Travel Specialist

Goa Rang Reng Waterfall in Indonesia
Greetings, fellow wanderers! I'm Tenisha , your go-to for unlocking the magic of global exploration. With the first stamp in my passport, I caught the travel bug, and now, I'm on a mission to share that contagious wanderlust with you! As your ... Read more from my Luxury Solo and Group Travel Specialist bio.


Certified ASTA Travel Agent

My Travel Stories

Beautiful Bali Sunset
Bali, Indonesia

My Travel Experience

Places I’ve personally traveled to or destinations I’ve booked for my clients.

Customer Testimonials

Bali Solo Trip

Wow, Tenisha did such an incredible job planning my solo trip to Bali, Indonesia. I was initially nervous about traveling to a country so far away on my own, but Tenisha's firsthand knowledge and professionalism put my mind at ease. She was extremely polite and attentive, helping me plan every detail from start to finish. I highly recommend her for any of your travel needs, whether it's to Bali or any other destination. She's got you covered!"

Provided by Bondee M Southfield, MI