Julie Peyton

Nashville, Tennessee Travel Agent
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Julie Peyton

Julie Peyton

Nashville, Tennessee Travel Agent
Just Cruisin Plus, a Internova Travel Group Network affiliate agency
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Global Travel Advisor

For nearly twenty-years I have planned and traveled, both professionally and personally, all over the world!

Our family loves Disney, and I have visited the Walt Disney World Resort some thirty times, staying in value to Deluxe resorts, and even off property. But, we also love to visit new places, cruising, and traveling the world!

I have been on numerous African safaris, Caribbean cruises, and most recently (2023) a bespoke trip to French Polynesia! My professional abilities cover the gambit of destinations and supplier experience - so no travel party is too big or too small! So whether you dream of taking your children to Disney for Spring Break, or that 30 day world cruise, I have the experience and care to help you realize your travel dreams!