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Juleen Graham

Baltimore, Maryland Travel Agent
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Juleen Graham

Juleen Graham

Baltimore, Maryland Travel Agent
J&W Travel LLC, an independent agent with Cruises & Tours, Unlimited, FL, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Caribbean, Europe & Group Travel Specialist

For me, being a travel is about sharing my passion and getting to hear the amazing stories from my clients.

My travel story starts with me choosing to pursue college in the United States. Born and raised in Jamaica, I was determined to leave my tiny island to explore the world one day. So off I went on my own to study in New York!

Since then, I have visited and lived in many different cities, including several cities in the US, Europe and of course, the Caribbean. As a result, I have a lot for experience travelling alone and with others and that personal experience is what guides me in my role as your travel advisor. I have also planned trips for hundreds of clients. My favorite part of the experience is when they come back and say, "OMG Juleen, let me tell you about xyz." Their joy (and soon, your joy) is my joy.

I'm a full-service travel agent, specialising in trips involving the Caribbean, Europe, groups, solo travellers, women and more. The best part? If I haven't personally done it, you get the benefit of my network of travellers who surely have!

I look forward to working with you, and getting your next trip planned.