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Chasity Casey

Cumming, Georgia Travel Agent
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Chasity Casey

Chasity Casey

Cumming, Georgia Travel Agent
Travelmation, LLC, an independent agent with Travelmation, FL, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Adults only, Family, and Disney Destination Travel

My undeniable passion for travel is ultimately what lead me to becoming a travel agent. My friends, family and co-workers see my passion for travel and always ask for my expertise while planning their next vacation. I find limitless joy in creating trips that are filled with lasting memories. 

I specialize in adults only, group/family, and Disney Destination travel. Time is valuable and planning vacations can be overwhelming and time consuming. I am dedicated to making the planning and travel process smooth. My goal is for your trip is to be full of lasting memories. I will work with you to ensure every want/need is met to fulfill your dream trip. 

At no extra cost to you, I am available and willing to assist you and answer questions at any time during the planning process. I will also be available to you during your trip to help overcome any obstacles, should they arise, and to ensure your travel experience creates lasting memories. 

My Favorite Travel Desitinations

The Big Island of Hawaii at Sunset
The Big Island of Hawaii at Sunset

My all time favorite place to be is Walt Disney World. When I see the joy on my childrens' faces, my heart bursts with excitement. I have travelled here as a family, friends trips, and adults only trips. There is fun for all!

The Caribbean/Mexico are more of my favorites. My husband is a pilot so we get to travel often to these beautiful places. I love feeling the warm sunshine, sand in my toes, and the beautiful view of ocean. 

Hawaii is my all time favorite vacation. It captured our hearts the minute we landed. We experienced The Big Island by car and boat. The experience was a dream come true for my family. 

I would love to help create a dream trip for you!!!