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Mary jo Roberts

Bloomingdale, Illinois Travel Agent
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Mary jo Roberts

Mary jo Roberts

Bloomingdale, Illinois Travel Agent
Mary jo Roberts, an independent agent with Polaris Travel Experts Columbus, OH, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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All types of destinations, land and sea

Thirty years ago, I was looking for a vacation.  My husband and I decided to embark on a land trip to Europe.  It turned out to be an incredible experience.  We fell in love with exploring different countries,and the desire to share our adventures and acquired knowledge with others ignited a passion within me.  It was at that point I committed myself to becoming a travel agent.

In 2007 I joined a travel agency, eager to home my skills and dive deeper into the world of travel.  Over the years, I have witnessed significant changes in the travel industry due to advancements in technology and travel trends.  On line booking platforms, social media and review websites have revolutionized the way people plan and research their vacations.  As a travel agent  I have made it a priority to stay updated with these changes and adapt to new technologies.

One of the important aspects I have learned throughout my journey is the increasing average age of dedicated travelers.  As a senior myself I understand the importance of catering to the special needs of seniors.  It is imperative for me to know and provide solutions to their unique challenges.  Understanding the mobility and accessibility requirements of seniors is crucial.  I make it a point to familiarize myself with the accessibility features of hotels,attractions, and transportation options.  Whether it's wheelchair friendly facilities, accessible transportation service of destinations with senior friendly infrastructure, I ensure my recommendations take these considerations into account.

In recent years, sustainable and responsible travel has gained prominence, with travelers seeking Eco-friendly accommodations, local experiences, and reduced environmental impact.  Being knowledgeable about these trends and planning customized itineraries can help create memorable vacations for them.

It is also worth noting that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the travel industry faced unprecedented challenges.  Travel restrictions, Health and safety protocols, and changing regulations significantly impacted travel plans worldwide.  Navigating through these uncertain times required flexibility and adaptability.  As travel resumes and restrictions ease, keeping up with the latest travel advisories  and health protocols will remain crucial.

Overall being a travel agent offers opportunities to explore the world , create unforgettable experiences for my client sand share m passion for travel.  Continuously learning and adapting to industry changes will ensure that I will provide valuable expertise and excellent service to my clients.

 I feel that it is also important to build a good network and relationship with m vendors, hotels tour operators and local guides.  These relationships with trusted travel vendors help me to offer my competitive  prices, exclusive deals and insider knowledge to my clients.

A very important part of a travel agent is destination expertise.  I have a deep knowledge of Europe, Mexico and South America, among others.  Also keeping updated with today's fast moving technology is criticalto maning my client's vacation, one that is smooth running and trouble free.

Finally, my credo is "MAKING THE UNFAMILIAR UNFORGETTABLE".  That says it all.


My Travel Stories
