Jen Smith

Gloucester, Virginia Travel Agent
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Jen Smith

Jen Smith

Gloucester, Virginia Travel Agent
Always In Motion Travel, an independent agent with Cruises & Tours, Unlimited, FL, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Specializing in Caribbean Cruises & Adult Resorts

Waterfall/cliff jumping in the Dominican Republic
Waterfall/cliff jumping in the Dominican Republic

I'm Jen from southern coastal VA! Here boating is the local pastime, the freedom, the salt air, and of course, all the yummy seafood. My hobbies are showing fancy felines and endurance riding. The latter encouraged me to be an advocate and avid volunteer preserving our local trails. Occupationally, I served in several capacities and retired from the Emergency Services side of Public Safety.

Back on point, TRAVEL! Simply, I’m an explorer. Endurance riding, is in essence spending many hours in the untamed wilderness, never knowing what’s around the next bend in the trail. It made me realize how much I enjoy being somewhere different, doing something different, seeing something different. Our first big “far away” trip was to Disney, (yes, we started small!) after that amazing experience I was hooked. I was then off to any and every island in the Caribbean that we could find a way to. We’ve done big name resorts, itty bitty resorts, big name hotel chains, mom-n-pop hotels, VRBO/Airbnb, cruises and lots of in-betweens. Planes, trains, ships, subways, ubers, taxis, water taxis, ferries, mules, and most frequently my woefully tired two feet. Yep, I’m that gal, your super annoying friend that can’t sit still and must see e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g there is to see = Always In Motion!

But why?

We love to travel, and of course, talk way too much about past trips and plans for the next one.   A friend told me years ago: "You're the only person I've ever seen that couldn't wait to see someone else's vacation photos!"  So true, I'm guilty of that, I love adventures, everyone's adventures, and I want all the details!  Family, friends and coworkers soon asked me for advice with their vacation ideas and I found I absolutely love helping others plan and get the most from their vacations.  When contemplating retirement and my next chapter, that infamous little light bulb popped up over my head. I took the plunge and here I am, ready to help you write your TRAVEL and WELL DESERVED VACATIONS chapter.  We ride at dawn.