Helaine Heiman

Rock Hill, South Carolina Travel Agent
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Helaine Heiman

Helaine Heiman

Rock Hill, South Carolina Travel Agent
YOUR TRAVEL SERVICES, an independent agent with Your Travel Services, SC, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Hawaii, Cruise, and Escorted Tours Specialist

I was born in Cuba. My family and I would often fly to the United States to visit family which helped developed a love of flying and travel. Then in 1960 at the age of 6 1/2 years old we had to leave due to the Castro Movement. We settled in Miami Beach. As I grew up, we would often travel.

It wasn't until after college that I really started to travel, with my first big trip being to Hawaii. My love of travel really grew. When I finished college I moved to Charlotte NC to work for the family business. When the business closed, I wondered what I was going to do next and that's when I thought about going into the travel industry. So I went to travel school. After graduation, I started working with the travel agency. 

I have been in the travel industry for over thirty years and have developed a keen knowledge in a lot of aspects of travel to help my clients travel the world. Being in the travel industry has awarded me so many pleasures like taking cruises and exploring other destinations. I want to use that knowledge to assist others. 

Aloha and Mahalo

Kauai - The
Kauai - The "Garden Island"

If you have never experienced the feeling of Shangri-La then you need to travel to the islands of Hawaii.  


Certified ASTA Travel Agent