Kelly Rink

Westfield, Indiana Travel Agent
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Kelly Rink

Kelly Rink

Westfield, Indiana Travel Agent
Kelly Rink, Simply Enchanted Travel, an independent agent with Simply Enchanted Travel, LLC, MI, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Family Travel Specialist

Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party
Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party

Hi!  My name is Kelly Rink, and I've been a consultant with Simply Enchanted Travel for over 10 years.  What once was viewed as a way to 'get my feet wet' re-entering the workforce after having my kids, has turned into a full-time career that has allowed me to support my family while doing a job I LOVE! I am truly blessed!

My niche is family travel.  As a busy mom of four boys, I recognize the value and importance of those limited times we have together as a family to create special, lifelong memories.   As they say, "The days go slow, but the years fast"... I feel that in my soul!  My goal is to help you make the most of those precious times you have as a family, with as little stress as possible.

Initially, I started my career specializing in Disney destinations.  I have always been an obsessed, Disney fan, growing up on classics like The Little Mermaid, Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast.  My parents quickly instilled a love for all Disney, taking us on countless Walt Disney World vacations over my childhood years.  That passion continued with annual trips to Disney while raising my own boys.  As my love of travel has continued to grow, and my desire to introduce my children to destinations outside of the the House of Mouse, I have branched out and now also book and plan Universal Studios, cruises, Mexico, Hawaii, and Caribbean vacations.    

When I'm not planning vacations for my clients, I enjoy running (a member of the RunDisney community), hiking, good food, and watching my children compete in various sports, supporting their own dreams.   It would be my honor and pleasure to assist in planning your family's vacation!  You will not find anyone more passionate in helping you create those cherished, lifelong memories, as I put the same enthusiasm into my clients' trips as my own!