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Tamela Napier

Austin, Indiana Travel Agent
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Tamela Napier

Tamela Napier

Austin, Indiana Travel Agent
PRM Travel, an independent agent with Tamandare Travel, LLC, IL, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Individual, Couples and Group Travel Specialist

Hello, I'm Tammy. My Husband and I have been happily married since 2004 and we have 5children. Over the past few years we have learned easier ways to travel with the kids. What works and what doesn't, making sure we include encounters that everyone likes to do. I am the sole caregiver for my husband, who became a quadriplegic after a Motor Vehicle Accident in2014. At which time, traveling changed for us considerably. Finding Airfare, Cruises or Hotel rooms that meet your specific needs can be cumbersome. That is where I come in. Contact me with your “Perfect” Vacation Adventure and allow me to use my experience to help you with the planning and take the stress off, so that you can enjoy your experience. If you are like me, by the time vacation rolls around after all of the planning, I become too frazzled to enjoy it. So sit back, relax and leave the planning to me !!! I look forward to working with you to plan your perfect adventure.