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Kayli Swigart

Calumet, Oklahoma Travel Agent
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Kayli Swigart

Kayli Swigart

Calumet, Oklahoma Travel Agent
Key to the World Travel with Kayli Swigart, an independent agent with Key to the World Travel LLC, MI, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Let me help you make magical memories!

I’m an okie born and bred. I live in the middle of nowhere with my husband and 4 kids. I’ve always loved Disney (I still have the VHS to prove it), but I didn’t get to experience it in person until my best friend and I went on a trip to Disneyland before I got married. I was in love with it all! I finally found the place where dreams are made and you never have to grow up! Of course I had to share my new love with my husband the following year and we’ve been going to either Disneyland or Disney World every year since. We have experienced many firsts at Disney such as finding out we were pregnant with our 1st, announcing our 3rd’s gender, first haircuts, first foods, holidays, and more. I would love to be the agent that helps you celebrate something special. When I’m not visiting Disney resorts I’m RV camping with the family, crafting, attending comic cons, or chauffeuring my kids to one of their many activities. I have a passion for planning and a passion for travel. Let me help you make magical memories!