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Pamela Appleby

Beverly Hills, California Travel Agent
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Pamela Appleby

Pamela Appleby

Beverly Hills, California Travel Agent
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Full-Service High-End Travel Agent

If you can dream it, I can make it happen. I specialize in high-end luxury vacations and will work closely with you to design trips tailored to your travel needs and wishes. My clients, many of whom are CEOs and celebrities, come to me because I know how to take the hassle of out travel and understand that true luxury is very personal.

My Travel Specialties

VIP Travel with Privileged Access

No one likes to hear “no” so I view it as my job to always figure out a way to say “yes.” If the hotel you want is sold out, I will either get you in or find you something even ... Read more from my VIP Travel with Privileged Access bio.

Customized Trip Planning

Anyone can book a flight and a hotel; what I do is handle everything from soup to nuts and make myself available 24/7 to ensure that everything goes to plan. My clients appreciate my expertise and they know that I always ... Read more from my Customized Trip Planning bio.

Finding Your Personal Japan

Japan seems to be on everyone’s wish list these days, and it is not surprising. Everything about Japan is different, from the architecture and food to the people. Simply being in Japan is a treat, especially in spring, when the delicate ... Read more from my Finding Your Personal Japan bio.

My Travel Stories

Luxury on an African Safari Adventure

I’ve been to Africa many times and traveled through many areas. One journey that stands out in my mind was a luxury adventure through Kenya and Tanzania with Micato Safaris. We timed our journey so we could see the Great Migration when vast herds of wildebeest, zebra and Thompson’s gazelle travel ... Read more from my Luxury on an African Safari Adventure story.