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Roberta Wiener

Worcester, Massachusetts Travel Agent
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Roberta Wiener

Worcester, Massachusetts Travel Agent
A Full-Service Travel Leaders Associate Agency
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Egypt Travel Agent Specialist

From the moment I stepped from the air conditioned plane, I felt the warm sun and took a breath of what I imagined was ancient air.  This was perfect!! I had dreamed of seeing Egypt ever since I saw the Rosetta Stone in 10th grade.

The Cairo museum holds treasures and artefacts of unimaginable beauty.  These pieces of adornment and jewelry were made by bronze aged hands for the rich and powerful of the time.  

Standing at the bottom and looking up at the 60 ft statues of Ramses at Abu Simbel shows the expertise of those who did this creation.  The temple was designed to have the sun shine in the inner temple and illuminate 3 of the 4 statutes in the temple twice a year.  When the Aswan Dam was going to be constructed, this complex had to be moved to higher ground to avoid being flooded and lost forever.  Somehow, the temple was moved and saved with amazing precision.  The sun still shines on the faces of the inner statues twice a year.

A cruise down the Nile River offers sights of farmers using the same techniques of irrigation that have been used for centuries. 

This is a photographer's dream trip.  Everywhere you look is a photo opportunity waiting for you. 

Sit and have tea in an outdoor cafe and watch people riding camels and donkeys to the fabulous outdoor market area where spices and other specialities are being sold.  

The land is full of many treasures and new discoveries are still being made. This is a amazing destination. 


Certified ASTA Travel Agent