Michelle Mashburn Arabie

New York, New York Travel Agent
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Michelle Mashburn Arabie

New York, New York Travel Agent
Travel Leaders
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A Honeymoon for the Ages

Honeymoons are a special time, and I try to add special touches every step of the way. I find that hoteliers and others also are usually happy to go above and beyond the normal VIP treatment they provide my clients for couples on their honeymoon. I recently planned a Caribbean honeymoon. The couple was leaving for the airport right after the wedding because their flight was departing from a city three hours away.

I made sure that they had food for the drive because I didn’t want them starting off their honeymoon by going hungry; that would not be a good way to start a marriage! I made sure they had good seats for their flight. Then, when they arrived in San Juan, I requested an upgrade on their transfer. But not just any old upgrade would do, so I pulled out all the stops and arranged for a Rolls Royce to pick them up from the airport. They arrived at the hotel in time for breakfast, which was waiting for them on the balcony when they got there. I enjoyed orchestrating all those extras for them, and it truly exceeded all their expectations. 

They were an active couple, so I planned a lot of adventures, from hiking to zip-lining to horseback riding on the beach, and even an ATV adventure. They also did a little island-hopping in a puddle-jumper that I arranged and then spent a few days on the small island of Vieques. They went to see the bioluminescent bay, where you go kayaking through the mangroves in the evening and as you stroke the water, you stimulate tiny organisms to give off bursts of light. It is more romantic than you can imagine. They loved their honeymoon, and I loved being able to give them such a magical and romantic experience to kick off their life together as husband and wife.  

Every couple is different, so every honeymoon is a new adventure for me. But wherever you want to celebrate your wedding trip, rest assured that I will do everything possible to make it the trip of a lifetime.