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Christopher Kosloski

Beverly Hills, California Travel Agent
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Christopher Kosloski

Beverly Hills, California Travel Agent
Travel Leaders
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Green, Eco-Friendly Travel

I handle the business and personal travel for many feature film artists, directors, financiers, producers, and others in the film business. Many are committed to doing whatever they can travel in a sustainable, environmentally-friendly way as possible, and I am happy to support their efforts to go green. 

Eco-tourism is an important vacation preference for many of my clients, and they like to go to places where you can leave a minimal footprint, such as an eco-resort. This is true whether they are going on photo shoots, book tours or press junkets, or on personal vacations. I learn as much as I can about each hotel and supplier I book so that my clients can be comfortable with their environmental impact, while still accomplishing their goals. 

Another trend I’m seeing is private jets charters. One of my clients owned two, so I was in constant contact with his flight crew and worked very closely with his household staff as I organized trips for his family between their home in southern California and their properties in Costa Rica, Australia and Fiji.  

I've also done private jet charters where a family might fly from New York to Naples, and then hop on a jet charter and go to the Mediterranean for two and a half weeks. It’s a very exciting option, and I expect more of my clients to see the benefits in the future. Carbon offsets can make this an eco-friendly and luxurious option.