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Robre Shash

Longwood, Florida Travel Agent
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Robre Shash

Robre Shash

Longwood, Florida Travel Agent
Stunning Travel, an independent agent with Travel Leaders Roswell, GA
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Cruise and European Travel Specialist

Neuschwanstein Castle - Bavaria
Neuschwanstein Castle - Bavaria
I love to travel, experience local cuisine, visit historic and interesting sites, and immerse myself in the culture of my destination. I have had the opportunity to visit several cities in Europe such as London, Munich, and Prague. Three amazing cities and each offering their own unique European experience. Last year, I went to Iceland with my family to take some spectacular pictures of the Northern Lights and to take a dip in the Blue Lagoon. Living in Florida, I also like to take it easy on a Caribbean cruise from time to time. There is no better way to unwind and relax. I can't wait to help you plan your next amazing journey!