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Stefanie Katz

Lake Mary, Florida Travel Agent
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Stefanie Katz

Stefanie Katz

Lake Mary, Florida Travel Agent
The Travel Superhero, an independent agent with Cruises & Tours, Unlimited, FL, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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River Cruise & Group Travel Specialist

My job is to connect people to each other and to the experiences and destinations that thrill and transform them through group travel (and as few as 8 people can be considered a group!) with like-minded people on luxury and special interest cruises and tours to and through Europe, and yours is to indulge and enjoy!

Traveling is the only thing you buy that can make you richer, strengthen the bonds with family and friends, help divorce-proof your marriage, incentivize your employees, quickly build your brand as an entrepreneur, author or influencer, and easily raise funds for your organization, all while making the memories that matter - the ones that will keep you from being on your deathbed with any "I wish I hads", " Why didn't I's", or "If onlys".

My daughter was diagnosed with childhood cancer shortly after we returned from our best family vacation ever, haven taken our kids overseas for the first time and the second thought I had after receiving her diagnosis (after my first of " is she going to die?"), was "thank goodness we took that incredible vacation". The memories we'd made kept us going through the years of suffering that followed and her Make-A-Wish trip back to England stood like a beacon of hope at the end of a very long tunnel. We even used trips to Walt Disney World as her physical therapy to regain her strength after her chemos and bone marrow transplant! 

Luckily, she’s now healthy and we are all able to enjoy our time together but that lesson on the difference that international travel makes to the quality of our lives inspired me to bring everything I'd learned in 35 years working for others, serving customers the old-fashioned way, with personal attention, expertise and a focus on complete satisfaction to my own business of bringing the world to you. 

I have certifications with a number of leading cruise lines and resorts, and I specialize in top destinations like:

  • Disney World
  • Disneyland
  • United Kingdom
  • Ireland
  • France
  • Italy
  • And more!

I’m also a huge Star Wars, Disney and other pop culture fan, and I’ve prepared group trips based on the movie sets in Ireland and beyond. I love creating themed vacations, and I’ll help you tailor your itinerary to fit your group's passions and goals.

I know how to simplify vacations so you never have to worry about the little things (and staff hours aren't wasted on the logistics in the cases of nonprofits, companies and organizations planning group travel). I’ll take care of everything from the flights to the transfers, accommodations (including your floating boutique or luxury hotel that is a river or ocean cruise ship) , and even special activities. Plus, if there’s ever a problem or you simply have a question about something while abroad, I'm available to help (possibly even traveling with the group to add fun and handle things on-site, if that's what you want or need)!

I recently had new clients traveling to England and needing a luxury suite on their  cruise, but they were told when they tried contacting the line themselves (before calling me) that these rooms were prioritized for UK citizens. I wanted them to have exactly what they wanted, and I called every day and every contact I had to get it for them.

I always go the extra mile for my clients, and I’ll make sure you get everything you want on your trip at all times!

Your vacation deserves to be perfect, and you're no ordinary traveler, so you don't deserve an ordinary travel agent.  You deserve The Travel Superhero.