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Sherrie Walker

Glendale, California Travel Agent
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Sherrie Walker

Sherrie Walker

Glendale, California Travel Agent
BWJ Travel, LLC, a Internova Travel Group Network affiliate agency
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Travel Agent of Dreams That Come True!

Hi, my name is Sherrie and I will be your travel agent that makes your dreams come true. The reason why I became a travel agent is because I love to help people. Helping people make me very happy. Knowing that I can make a customers dreams come true gives me so much joy. I've always been know as having good customer service. The reason I was always known for having perfect customer service was because I always got the job done. The way I mastered having perfect customer service was learning that customer service was every where I turned. Talking to a friend on the phone was customer service, giving directions is customer service. Just talking to people period is customer service. I enjoy making a difference in the environment of my community. 

I will provide you with my unlimited divided attention, I will give you the best deals that my company can offer, and you will have piece of mind knowing that you are in good hand. My company and I will do all the work to make sure to have a relaxing trip and a comfortable stay at one of the most beautiful hotel my company can offer. 

If you choose me as your travel agent not only will  I be getting the bests deal for you but I will also be making your dreams come true. All you have to do is tell me what you like and what you want and I will take it from there. You just worry about how many outfits to bring and what shoes to wear.