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Clifton Pettyjohn

Jacksonville, Florida Travel Agent
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Clifton Pettyjohn

Clifton Pettyjohn

Jacksonville, Florida Travel Agent
An independent agent with Cruises & Tours, Unlimited, FL, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Travel with Clifton: Your Adventure Awaits!


Welcome to the captivating world of travel, where adventure meets luxury, and exploration knows no bounds. I'm Clifton Pettyjohn, your seasoned guide on the journey to unforgettable destinations and extraordinary experiences.

Based in Dover, Delaware, I bring a wealth of experience and a deep passion for travel to every itinerary I craft. Whether you seek the thrill of adventurous escapades or the refined allure of budget-friendly expeditions, I specialize in curating personalized adventures tailored to your unique needs and desires.

With extensive connections in the travel industry, including Abercrombie & Kent, Celebrity Cruises, and ClubMed, I ensure that your journey is nothing short of premium. From the sun-kissed beaches of Aruba to the cultural mosaic of France, I'll unlock the mesmerizing potential of destinations around the globe.

As an advocate for ethical travel and an expert in group journeys, I prioritize your well-being while bringing your travel dreams to life. Inspired by my own soul-stirring solo cruise, I've made it my mission to guide others on transformative journeys that enrich the soul and expand the mind.

Are you ready to paint the canvas of your daily life with the captivating hues of travel? Join me on this extraordinary adventure, and let's navigate the road to unforgettable experiences together.