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Audra Moore

Chandler, Arizona Travel Agent
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Audra Moore

Audra Moore

Chandler, Arizona Travel Agent
Traveling Moore, an independent agent with Archer Travel, CA, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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My name is Audra Moore and I love to travel. My bucket list is the world. I love seeing new places, interacting with new cultures, trying new food, and everything else that comes with travel. I love a good road trip, a resort, a beach, a great campsite, a cruise, or a theme park. Sometimes I want a low key, bring me a drink and let me read a book kind of trip and other times I want to go and see and do. Come with me and let's explore all the world has to has to offer!

Certifications and Experience

Sunset at the Grand Canyon
Sunset at the Grand Canyon

I have lived and traveled all over the US with a considerable amount of time spent in Colorado and Arizona, and many travels throughout the Southwest and West.  I love our National Lands and have visited many including the Grand Canyon, Arches and the surrounding area, Yellowstone, and the Black Canyon.  

I have achieved the Bachelor's Degree with Norwegian Cruises.

I am currently working towards my Violet Knot with Virgin Voyages.

I earned a Panama Specialist Certification. 

My Travel Experience

Places I’ve personally traveled to or destinations I’ve booked for my clients.