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Remy Godwin

Cantonment, Florida Travel Agent
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Remy Godwin

Remy Godwin

Cantonment, Florida Travel Agent
CODA Couple, an independent agent with Cruises & Tours, Unlimited, FL, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Custom Adventure Specialist

Hi, my name is Remy Godwin.

I am a travel expert with over 10 years of experience in the industry. I, along with my spouse operate Coda Couple, a travel agency that specializes in intimate affairs. I am passionate about helping people plan their dream trips, and I love nothing more than seeing the look on their faces when they return home with unforgettable memories. My favorite destinations are the lesser-known parts of the world. I love exploring new cultures and learning about different ways of life. Travel is one of the best ways to learn about yourself and the world around you. I love helping people create memories that will last a lifetime, and I am committed to providing my clients with the best possible travel experience.


Here are some of the things that I love most about my job:

Helping people plan their dream trips

Seeing the look on their faces when they return home with unforgettable memories

Learning about new cultures and ways of life

Exploring the less frequented parts of the world

If you are looking for a travel agent who can help you plan an unforgettable trip, then I am the perfect choice for you. I am passionate about travel, knowledgeable about the world, and committed to providing my clients with the best possible experience. I would love to help you plan your next adventure. Please contact me today to get started!

My Travel Experience

Places I’ve personally traveled to or destinations I’ve booked for my clients.