Lathrop , Missouri Travel Agent
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Lathrop , Missouri Travel Agent
Rest Easy Travel , an independent agent with BNT Travel Group, NY, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Hello ya'll! My name is Evie Finley, I am 41 years old this June. I was born in South Dakota and moved to the Midwest with my family before I was old enough to remember, and that is where I have stayed.

I am happily married to my husband and we are recently empty nesters. Not only due to being a bit stir crazy and not quite sure what to do with myself without my ”little ones” at home, I have wanted to do something in travel for as long as I can remember. You know all your life when you get that sometimes daunting question…What are your interests and hobbies? That question has always been difficult for me to answer other than that I love my family & friends and animals. I do live on a farm and have many animals including dogs and cats, alpacas and llamas, goats and donkeys, a horse and geese and lots of chickens! But the animal chores are becoming increasingly difficult as I get older especially during those frigid cold midwest winter months now that I do not have young ones here to help out with chores.

Travel has always been my passion. Experiencing new things, seeing new places is something that I always am excited about. For as long as I can remember all I have wanted to do is travel to new places, see and learn new things and just get out and have as much fun and experience as many new things as possible in this short life that I am blessed with.



My experiences…I have traveled many of the states, primarily focusing on the south (it gets darn cold here in the Midwest!) extending to the gorgeous Hawaiian islands, throughout beautiful Mexico, furthering my travels to the amazing Caribbean Islands-including the stunning Bahama islands, the lavishing Cayman Island, the lovely Puerto Rico, the fun Dominican Republic and the unforgettable Jamaica. I have experience with and have cruised with several different top rated cruise lines.

My most memorable trips to date…I took my three children on a Disney Cruise to the Bahamas when my boys were 11 & 8 and my daughter turned 3 on this trip. I almost hate to name this trip most memorable because my husband and I had not yet met at this time so he was not with us but y’all…Disney is hard to beat! All the memories of my beautiful little children that are permanently imprinted in my heart from this trip…PRICELESS 

HAWAII…specifically Kauai. My husband and I took the puddle jumper plane around the Hawaiian islands on our honeymoon in 2014 and we stayed on Oahu, Maui and Kauai. Kauai was both our personal favorites. We rented a motorcycle and took it up Mount Waialeale (don’t do that) But we made amazing memories and learned some good lessons to pass along the way. 

I have been fortunate enough to have had many memories and adventures in this beautiful life and I hope this is just the beginning. I realize there are endless options of travel agents for you to chose from, so if you chose me to help guide you on your next adventure just know that I take it personal as if I am planning my own family vacation, or cruise or best friends wedding, or what have you.

Whatever you are planning, I can not wait to dive in and see that this is your best trip yet, so sit back and rest easy knowing that Rest Easy Travel has got your back.  


Certified ASTA Travel Agent