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Pat Hazen, CTC, ACC

Bonita Springs, Florida Travel Agent
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Pat Hazen, CTC, ACC

Pat Hazen, CTC, ACC

Bonita Springs, Florida Travel Agent
Pelican Landing Travel, a Internova Travel Group Network affiliate agency
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Experience counts!

Having been in the travel business continually since 1970, I'm about to celebrate almost 50 years of loving this industry! My husband, Jack, and I have been the agency owners of Pelican Landing House of Travel for the past 16 years, and I have owned and operated others since 1970.  My first agency was in West Chester, Pa, where I spent my childhood and graduated from High School.

I love to take small groups with me when I travel.  South Africa is one of my favorite vacation spots. The animal conservation, the accommodations and the scenery are incredible.  You have to try it!

Having been in the business for so many years I've earned many degrees including the CTC (Certified Travel Consultant), an ACC (Accredited Cruise Consultant) and many designations from cruise lines and tour companies such as Tauck Tours as a Tauck specialist, Scenic Cruises and Viking Cruises as their specialists, and many others.

I've had the great privilege to travel the world, with groups and individuals.  My specialities include individual deluxe vacation travel planning, family reunion group travel, group vacations including chartering ships.  My favorite vacations have been to South Africa, China, the Baltic Cruises and wonderful river cruises.  It's really too hard to pick just one!

I'm not a social media junkie!

Seeing rare white lions in Timbavati-priceless!
Seeing rare white lions in Timbavati-priceless!

Sorry, I don't do social media well.  I prefer not to post for security reasons.  Please call me or email me.  I'd love to hear from you.   

Look at this exquisite white lion cub.  One of the easy read books I suggest for reading before you travel to any part of Africa on safari is "Saving the White Lions" by Linda Tucker.   It was such a special, once in a lifetime, priceless moment to see the white lions, knowing their history! 

If you're going to Petra (I've been 3 times and highly recommend it) be sure to read "Married to a Bedouin" before you go.  Not a piece of hard to read literary jargon, but an excellent look into the life of the Nabateans. 


Certified ASTA Travel Agent
CTC, Certified Travel Consultant
ACC, Accredited Cruise Consultant
DS, Destination Specialist
Tauck Certified Agent
Scenic Certified Agent