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Heather Raines

Maryville, Tennessee Travel Agent
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Heather Raines

Heather Raines

Maryville, Tennessee Travel Agent
Ditch 9 to 5 Travel, a Internova Travel Group Network affiliate agency
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Cruise and Travel Specialist

Cruising in Alaska
Cruising in Alaska

I was bitten by the travel bug back in 2005 when my (now) husband took me on my first trip to Hawaii to propose and haven't looked back since. Since then, I've chalked up many bucket list trips and have learned a lot about travel and the travel industry in general. I love looking for new and interesting places to visit and hope to share that same level of excitement of travel with all of you while helping you plan your amazing adventure..Whether you're looking for a quiet relaxing trip just to unwind and de-stress or seeking the excitement of a long dreamt of bucket list vacation, I can help you get there. Over the years of planning our vacations to maximize both the value and enjoyment, I have a comprehensive understanding of how to make the best trip no matter what your budget or desired activity.I welcome working directly with you to interactively plan your dream vacation or just as happy to present you with options based on your provided criteria. No vacation, dream, or adventure is too big or too small. All travel builds memories that last forever!Make memories that last a lifetime!

My favorite places to visit typically involve the ocean, beaches and warm weather. Cruising appeals to me because it offers all of these things at such an affordable price.Some of my most memorable trips to date:-Christmas in London-Hiking out to active lava flows on the Big Island in Hawaii-Cruising the Caribbean as often as possible-The Maldives-RV adventures in AlaskaI've managed to visit quite a few countries and the majority of the states but am always excited to check another item off of my bucket list. Just last year we made a bucket list trip to the Maldives and spent 8 glorious days in an overwater bungalow in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.I'm guessing your bucket list is still just as full of trips still to take as mine is!Some of my top bucket list trips remaining that I hope to make soon are:-An African Photo Safari-Visiting Cairo and cruising the Nile river-Venice (can't believe I haven't done that yet)-Tour the ruins of Pompei-Rome-An Antarctic cruiseSo what are your bucket list trips? And what can I do to help you get them made a reality?