Vikki McKay

Franklin, Tennessee Travel Agent
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Vikki McKay

Vikki McKay

Franklin, Tennessee Travel Agent
Vikki McKay Travel, An Affliate of Academy Travel, an independent agent with Academy Travel, Inc., NJ, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Independent Contractor

The picture says it!  Most Magical!
The picture says it! Most Magical!

I have traveled for most of my adult life!  Having for the most part lived in states other than family, I have had to plan transportation and lodging a lot.  My children are now grown and have children of their own.  I have begun organizing family get together because we still live in different states.  From vacations to Disney World and/ or Beach to hosting the family at gatherings in the each others towns.  My career work has always involved detailed planning.  In our office would be the one to create travel plans for co workers travels to conferences.  I know what it takes to create a memorable vacation.