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Kerri Batista

Knoxville, Tennessee Travel Agent
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Kerri Batista

Kerri Batista

Knoxville, Tennessee Travel Agent
Trips and Ships Luxury Travel Inc., an independent agent with Trips and Ships Luxury Travel, FL, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Unique Experiences for Lifetime Memories

Sunrise over Wadi Rum Jordan
Sunrise over Wadi Rum Jordan

I feel that I was born with an innate love of travel thanks to my parents. Before it was fashionable, my dad took a “gap” year and at 18 traveled all over Europe before going to college and joining the military while my mom was raised a military brat, attended international schools most of her life, and spoke 5 languages.

I’m a product of their travel passion and fortunate to have been raised primarily in Europe. My husband Bob got the travel bug as a Navy veteran and together we made it a priority to take our children as many places as possible. Exposing our 3 kids to other cultures and lifestyles has always been important.

As avid scuba divers and history buffs we like to alternate our island dive trips with primarily European historical venues while systematically working through a very long bucket list of adventures and memories to last a lifetime. As a foodie, I enjoy finding local eateries to sample cultural specialties and of course pairing it with a regional beer or wine when appropriate.

My Areas of Expertise