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Dianna Bilyj

Indianapolis, Indiana Travel Agent
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Dianna Bilyj

Dianna Bilyj

Indianapolis, Indiana Travel Agent
Travel Designed 4U, a Internova Travel Group Network affiliate agency
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Cruise, River Cruise and Tour Specialist

My love for travel is more than just a profession; it’s an expression of my passion for exploring the beauty and diversity that our world has to offer. From the majestic landscapes of Alaska's Denali National Park to the historic canals of Amsterdam, each journey I undertake enriches my understanding and fuels my desire to craft unique travel experiences for my clients. My adventures have not only taken me through the rugged terrains and stunning rainforests of Alaska and the charming streets of European towns but also to the pink beaches of Bermuda and the warm, inviting islands of the Caribbean, each place leaving a lasting impression on my heart and my work.

In my approach to planning these memorable journeys, it's crucial for me to connect deeply with what my clients envision for their travels. Whether they seek the thrill of adventure, the serenity of a lazy beach day, or the rich flavors of local cuisine, knowing what excites them enables me to curate trips that are fully aligned with their dreams. Specializing in ocean and river cruises, guided tours, luxury rail experiences, and group travel, I take pride in delivering experiences that are not only enriching but also brimming with personal touches that make each journey unique.

I firmly believe in the transformative power of travel. It broadens our horizons, fosters empathy, and connects us to the vast tapestry of human existence. Through my work, I aim to open doors to new experiences, cultures, and perspectives, helping others to see the world in all its splendor and complexity. Join me in this journey of discovery, and let's create unforgettable memories together.

Testimonials I've Received

Canals of Amsterdam
Canals of Amsterdam

We had a 17 day vacation in Hawaii and, though we have traveled quite a bit, never had a trip with so many things that needed coordinated. This truly was a trip of a lifetime and I was really able to enjoy it so much because of the work that she put into it before we went. We will NEVER travel again that Dianna does not take care of all plans for us. ~ Cathy T

What a great Spring Break! Dianna didn’t miss a detail in making our cruise experience one filled with so many wonderful memories! There were no hitches or glitches the whole week! ~ Mary Ann H

We had a fabulous time on our trip to Colorado! All we had to do was share what we were interested in doing & she handled the rest. We had a lot of firsts on this trip & she made easy! ~ Erin S


Certified ASTA Travel Agent