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Melissa Wynn

Brookville, Indiana Travel Agent
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Melissa Wynn

Melissa Wynn

Brookville, Indiana Travel Agent
Melissa Wynn Travel an Affiliate of Academy Travel, an independent agent with Academy Travel, Inc., NJ, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Independent Contractor

Castaway Cay with my family
Castaway Cay with my family

My name is Melissa Wynn.  I am a teacher and mom of two boys.  My husband is also an educator so we enjoy traveling over school breaks and during the summer.  We enjoy taking cruises, going to Disney World, going to the beach and visiting amusement parks and other locations that we think are interesting.

I have been in the travel agency for 2 years.  I love being able to help others plan wonderful vacations and helping them make memories with loved ones that will last a lifetime.  I also realize that finding good value and getting the most for your money is important.  I got into the industry for my love of Disney destinations, but realize that there are many other wonderful places to vacation.         

My Areas of Expertise