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Pippa Ruben

New York, New York Travel Agent
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Pippa Ruben

New York, New York Travel Agent
Travel Leaders
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My Travel Agent Life

I moved to the United States in 1997 from the United Kingdom, and I was hired as an on-site travel manager at WNET. I then moved on to Ovation Travel and finally became a part of the Tzell Travel Group team eight years ago.

In my previous life I was a salesperson, and I excelled at it by any measure. Not only was I the top salesperson for my previous company’s London division, but I won top honors for that division for two years. My colleagues said that I “could sell ice to an Eskimo,” and while I wouldn’t go that far, I definitely know I was good at what I did. But I always felt like there was something more out there for me, and one day I decided to pursue it and went into the travel industry.

Since then, it’s been a pretty wild ride, and my life is anything but predictable. But I love it this way, because every time I come into the office, I never know what new challenge I’ll be facing.

I’ve always had a passion for both helping other people and for travel. In fact, I’m one of the handful who actually took Travel Management courses in college. I was trained for related skills and I even learned how to do ticketing from British Airways, just to round out my knowledge. Everything I learned about travel, I have put into practice, and I use everything I learned to this day, in one way or another.

A lot has changed over the years, so I’ve made sure to keep my skills and destination knowledge up to date and adapt to those changes. When I started out, we used to write tickets by hand, and it’s been a long journey to the world of e-tickets and other new travel technology. But what hasn’t changed is how much I love helping people reach their destinations, and since I’ve traveled all over the world, I can arrange corporate travel anywhere and help my clients find their way.  

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