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Lydia Meneses

Miami, Florida Travel Agent
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Lydia Meneses

Lydia Meneses

Miami, Florida Travel Agent
Proficient Travel, Inc., a Internova Travel Group Network affiliate agency
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Vacation Travel Expert

My passion for travel has taken me to many places of which I have had as a buck list for many years. Planning my travel vacations has helped me learn and acquire knowledge of destinations.

I enjoy preparing vacation packages and recommending not only where to stay but what to see and do.




Our Philosophy

Proficient Travel philosophy is that nothing beats personalized service, experience, and attention to detail. While many Internet sites promise special deals, travelers are often unaware of restrictions, exceptions, and fine print. Making the right choices based on price alone is not always the best course of action for travelers.

Our team of professional is ready to assist your travel needs. We count with cruise, tour, spa and corporate specialists that strive in professionalism.We also have mastered the "destination wedding, groups and incentive travel" business.

We understand that these types of travel needs have become popular and require the attention of experts.