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Moni Sheinberg

New York, New York Travel Agent
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Moni Sheinberg

New York, New York Travel Agent
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My Travel Agent Life

I did not take a direct route to become a travel agent. Originally, I was a musician and studied conducting at New York City’s prestigious Julliard School of Music. When I realized it would be difficult, if not impossible, to make a living at music, I turned to something I had always loved, travel. 

After taking courses at New York University, I became a travel advisor. I worked at an agency where I met my future business partner, and in 1985 we decided to launch our own travel company, Interglobal Travel, located on Manhattan’s Madison Avenue. In the new millennium, we became a Tzell affiliate, and it has been a perfect fit. I am able to leverage Tzell’s preferred airline and hotel relationships to benefit my clients with exclusive VIP amenities, perks, and protections.  

I cater to a diverse group of corporate clients with unique business travel needs, from the fashion industry to agriculture and the aircraft trade, among other sectors. I also create general leisure itineraries for my business-class clients, the overwhelming majority of which are private tours of South Asia, with a particular focus on India

I have developed my expertise and personal network of travel industry contacts by spending many years traveling all over South Asia, and every time I go there, I am reminded all over again why it is such an unforgettable destination, with a character like no other. Let me book your next trip to the region, and my experience will guide you effortlessly through this magical and matchless part of the world.

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