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Tina Vestal

Orlando, Florida Travel Agent
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Tina Vestal

Tina Vestal

Orlando, Florida Travel Agent
www.VibrantTravelCo.com, an independent agent with Cruises & Tours, Unlimited, FL, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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All My Travel Experiences

Grafton Street in Dublin Ireland

An Introduction to the Emerald Isle

Ireland welcomes you with “Cead Mile Failte”, one hundred thousand welcomes. Just a short time there and you will experience the friendly nature of the people and come to learn that they feel strangers are just friends they haven’t met yet.   

Getting There and Getting Around  

Getting to Ireland can come in ... Read more from my An Introduction to the Emerald Isle story.

Stunningly beautiful Cliffs of Moher

The Cliffs of Moher

We have all seen the iconic pictures of the Cliffs of Moher, pronounced like “mow-er” or "mo-her", but being there in person, will take your breath away. This dramatic view has been featured in many movies including Harry Potter, The Princess Bride, Leap Year, and many more. Once there you’ll understand ... Read more from my The Cliffs of Moher story.


Batobus Paris

If you love the Seine and have the time, this is a good mode of transportation.  If you are in a hurry, this is not for you.  But who is in a hurry in Paris? 

When you think of Paris, you think of Romance of course. What is more romantic, when in ... Read more from my Batobus Paris story.

View from the First Observation Deck

Eiffel Tower

When you think of Paris, the first image that comes to mind for most of us is the Eiffel Tower.


The Eiffel Tower broke ground in 1887 and at an aggressive pace was completed in 1889 for the World's Fair. The builder and owner of the construction company, Gustav ... Read more from my Eiffel Tower story.

American Cemetary

Normandy France D-Day Remembrance Tour

Normandy France D-Day Remembrance Tour  - Omaha Beach Visitor Center and American Cemetery

At first, I found it hard to smile in the photos, it was such an overwhelming and somber site to see endless rows of crosses and WWII era planes tipping their wings as they flew overhead.  You see my ... Read more from my Normandy France D-Day Remembrance Tour story.

All My Travel Albums

Cliffs of Moher
6 Reasons to Visit Ireland
Who Wants to Go to Ireland
Traveling to Ireland Video
Eiffel Tower - The Ride Down and Managing Fear of Heights
Burano Island
Multi-Country Tour of Europe
Monastic Site