Pam MacIntyre

Maple Grove, Minnesota Travel Agent
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Pam MacIntyre

Maple Grove, Minnesota Travel Agent
A Full-Service Travel Leaders Associate Agency
390 Reviews | 98% Recommended
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Should I purchase Travel Insurance?

Lets start with ... “Do most travelers purchase Travel Insurance?”

Getting Travel Insurance is a very personal decision. My part is to explain the benefits and reasons to consider so you can make the right choice for you. If I had to guess I’d say approximately 65% of my travelers purchase some form of Travel Insurance, as there are a few different types to choose from. 

Next question ... “Would you recommend Travel Insurance?” 

I highly recommend Travel Insurance for those traveling Internationally. Most people are not medically covered if something were to medically happen abroad.  You’ll need to contact your insurance company to discuss your own personal insurance policy.

Travel Insurance could also protect you in the event of an emergency that requires you to go back home. Both in your expenses to travel home early and the unused travel. While traveling Domestic, we still have travelers purchase insurance. I feel it's best to look at your own situation to determine if insurance is right for you. In the end, it’s about peace of mind which goes back to this being a personal decision only you can make. 

Last question ... “Do you get Travel Insurance?” 

When I travel Internationally, I do. Every single time. Do I like paying for it? Oh gosh no! Like any insurance I internally grumble in having to pay for insurance. It’s one of those things in life that we don’t like paying for, but it’s sure good we have it in the event of an emergency. 

When it comes to people traveling Internationally, aboard a cruise or for medical benefits. Travel Insurance really is a good idea to strongly look at the benefits before opting to waive purchasing insurance. If you decide you'd like insurance for your vacation I can guide you in finding the best travel insurance for you. 

Together we can discuss your needs and determine if Travel Insurance is right for you. 

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All My Travel Albums

French Polynesian Dancing aboard Paul Gauguin Ship
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Travel Advisors are here for you. #TravelHero
Destination Antarctica – Photo Opportunities
Solar Eclipse in Antarctica - December 4th 2021
Queenstown, New Zealand
Sarah & Jake K. - Majestic Colonial - January 2017
Client Destination Wedding Photos
Irish Adventures
Natural Beauty in New Zealand
Path beyond the Eight Arch Bridge-Sanxiantai-Cheng
Take Me To Taiwan
Finland - Follow them on Instagram @dk4ltravels
De'arra and Ken Travel the World!
Tahiti through the eyes of TW Photography @teivaw
Tahiti Wonders
Rüdesheim, Germany
Sailing the Rhine on AmaKristina
Photo Credit to Client during Africa Safari's
Africa Safari Photos