Olja Muursepp

Phoenix, Arizona Travel Agent
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Olja Muursepp

Phoenix, Arizona Travel Agent
A Full-Service Travel Leaders Associate Agency
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Magical Peru!

Village visit in Peru.
Village visit in Peru.

Last October, 2021 I took group of clients to Peru. Our trip started in Lima, the capital and largest city of Peru. It is a popular destination for travelers who are interested in exploring the history, culture, and natural beauty of the country. Lima has rich cultural history. The city is home to a number of impressive museums and galleries, including the Larco Museum, which is home to one of the largest collections of pre-Columbian art in the World. The city is also home to a number of impressive colonial-era buildings, such as the Presidential Palace and the Cathedral of Lima, which are worth a visit for their architectural and historical significance. Lima is also known for its delicious cuisine, which is influenced by a blend of indigenous, Spanish, and African flavors. The city is home to a number of top-rated restaurants, as well as bustling food markets and street food stalls, where you can sample some of the local specialties. Lima is located on the Pacific Coast, and it is home to a number of stunning beaches that are perfect for relaxing and soaking up the sun. Our home for couple of nights was Belmond Miraflores Hotel, offering panoramic views of Pacific Ocean.

After a short flight from Lima to Cuzco, we were transferred to Rio Sagrado Belmond Hotel in Sacred Valley, where we spent a few days acclimating to the high altitude and explored the ancient ruins of the Inca city of Ollantaytambo, visited a local market to sample some of the delicious Peruvian cuisine. One of the highlights was a visit to the nearby town of Pisac, where we  browsed the colorful market and sampled some of the local handicrafts. One of the enriching and memorable experiences was visiting an indigenous village in Peru! Many indigenous communities in Peru are isolated from modern society and have a rich cultural heritage that is worth exploring. Most of the indigenous communities in Peru have their own unique customs, language, and beliefs, and visiting a village is a great way to learn more about these traditions firsthand. During my visit, we had the opportunity to have lunch with a local family and learn about their daily life. We were struck by their warm and welcoming nature and was fascinated by their traditional way of life! We were also able to learn about their traditional crafts, such as weaving and pottery. We even had the chance to try on some of the clothing!

From Sacred Valley we took a scenic train ride through the Andes to the town of Aguas Calientes, which is the gateway to Machu Picchu. It is a breathtaking and magical  destination that should be on everyone's bucket list! This ancient Inca Citadel is surrounded by stunning natural beauty and with rich cultural history. Our experience visiting Machu Picchu was truly unforgettable! We spent a night at the Sanctuary Belmond Hotel, conveniently located right by the entrance to the park. The next morning, we made our way up to the Citadel, where we were greeted by breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys! We spent the whole day exploring the ancient ruins, marveling at the intricate stonework and taking in the stunning views. In the afternoon, we hiked to the nearby Sun Gate, which offers panoramic views of the entire Citadel.  As the sun set, we watched the shadows stretch across the mountains, creating a magical atmosphere!

Train ride back to Cuzco on board a historical Belmond Orient Express train was unique and fun experience! Party at the bar car, followed by the white glove dinner service is well worth spending extra money on! Upon arrival in Cuzco we were transferred to historical and gorgeous Belmond Palacio Nazarenas hotel. We spent couple of days exploring. Former capital of the Inca Empire, Cuzco offers a unique blend of indigenous and Spanish colonial influences.  We visited the impressive Cathedral of Cuzco, which was built on the foundations of an Inca temple. It is home to a number of impressive works of art and is a must-see for history buffs! Another must see is Sacsayhuaman fortress. It was built by the Incas in the 15th century and is believed to have been used for both military and ceremonial purposes. It's made up of a series of terraces and walls that are constructed from massive blocks of stone, some of which weigh over 100 tons! One of the most impressive features of the site is the precision of the stonework, which is so precise that you can't even fit a knife blade between the stones. On our last day we went exploring Cuzco markets. The city is home to a number of bustling markets, where you can browse local handicrafts and sample some of the delicious Peruvian cuisine. You can find pretty much anything here, from fresh produce, chickens, even the whole pig heads to custom made clothing, that is sewn right there on the spot! 

Overall, my trip to Peru was a truly unforgettable experience! I would definitely recommend this destination as a must visit place! 


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