Terra Shumaker

Haleiwa, Hawaii Travel Agent
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Terra Shumaker

Terra Shumaker

Haleiwa, Hawaii Travel Agent
Beach and Boujee Travel, an independent agent with Archer Travel, CA, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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PNW family road trip

Pike's Market, Seattle, Washington
Pike's Market, Seattle, Washington

After being cooped up during the pandemic, my sister-in-law Nikki and I decided to shake things up with an exhilarating journey to the Pacific Northwest in early December 2021. With our boys in tow, we embarked on a thrilling adventure to visit her daughter, who had recently relocated to scenic Washington State.

Our escapade began with a burst of excitement as we touched down in Portland and settled into the most charming Airbnb imaginable. Eager to dive into the local scene, we wasted no time and rose with the sun the following day for an unforgettable college experience at George Fox University. While the boys took a breather at our cozy rental, Nikki and I indulged in the finer things with delightful wine tastings at Domaine Serene and Bergstrom.But the real adrenaline rush awaited us at Mt. Hood, where we had hoped to unleash the boys' inner daredevils on the slopes. Though the winter was tardy in delivering its snowy bounty, we seized the opportunity for some thrilling sledding and even explored the eerie halls of the Inn featured in "The Shining."Just when we thought the adventure couldn't get any more epic, a flurry of snow welcomed us on our departure day as we embarked on the scenic drive to Washington. Amidst visits with my niece, we explored iconic landmarks like Pike's Market and embarked on a magical ferry ride to the enchanting San Juan Islands.

Navigating the journey with four energetic teenagers was no small feat, but the bonds forged amidst the laughter and shared experiences made it a truly unforgettable voyage. From exhilarating escapades to heartwarming moments, our Pacific Northwest odyssey was a whirlwind of adventure and connection that left us craving more.

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Leaving Kona Airport
Family Pacific North West Road Trip