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Lisa Littlejohn

Lancaster, Texas Travel Agent
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Lisa Littlejohn

Lancaster, Texas Travel Agent
Leisure By Lisa, an independent agent with Inteletravel, FL, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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A Roman Romance: Falling in Love with Italy

As the plane descended over the Italian peninsula, my heart raced with anticipation. It was the spring of 2006, and I was about to embark on my first journey to Europe, with Rome as my inaugural destination. Little did I know that this trip would not only ignite a lifelong love affair with Italy but also mark a momentous milestone in my personal life.

Stepping onto the cobbled streets of Rome felt like entering a living museum, where every corner held secrets of centuries past. The air was thick with the scent of freshly baked bread and aromatic espresso, mingling with the fragrance of blooming jasmine and citrus trees. My senses were immediately awakened, as if the city itself was beckoning me to explore its hidden treasures.

My first stop was the iconic Trevi Fountain, its majestic marble sculptures illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights. As I approached, the sound of cascading water grew louder, echoing against the ancient stone walls. I tossed a coin into the fountain, a ritual believed to ensure a return to Rome, and made a silent wish for the adventure that lay ahead.It was at that moment, amidst the splendor of the Trevi Fountain, that my life changed forever. With the soft strains of Italian music playing in the background, my partner dropped to one knee and presented me with a sparkling ring. The world seemed to stand still as I said yes, the sound of applause and cheering echoing in my ears.

Over the following days, I immersed myself in the vibrant tapestry of Roman life, exploring the Colosseum, wandering through the narrow alleyways of Trastevere, and marveling at the artistry of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel. Each sight, sound, and taste left an indelible impression on my soul, weaving a tapestry of memories that would last a lifetime.

From savoring the creamy richness of gelato to indulging in homemade pasta dishes bursting with flavor, every meal was a culinary delight. The rhythmic clink of glasses and lively chatter of locals filled the air, creating a symphony of sound that accompanied each savory bite.As my time in Rome drew to a close, I found myself reluctant to leave this enchanting city behind. But as I boarded the plane back home, I knew that a piece of my heart would forever remain in Italy. Rome had captured my spirit, igniting a passion for travel and a love for Europe that would shape my adventures for years to come.

And so, with Rome as the backdrop to our love story, my journey through Italy and beyond began—a tale of romance, adventure, and endless exploration, fueled by the memories of that fateful trip to the Eternal City.

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