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Jessica Houlihan

Buxton, Maine Travel Agent
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Jessica Houlihan

Jessica Houlihan

Buxton, Maine Travel Agent
Vacation Planning with Jessica, an independent agent with FDV Global, WV, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate Agency
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Tea plantations, trains and elephants in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an island small enough to fit inside the state of Texas more than 10 times but it packs a punch!

Tea is Sri Lanka’s largest export, and it’s the fourth largest exporter of tea in the world  I enjoyed visiting multiple tea plantations while there and learning about the process from picking to making the perfect cup of tea. 

In the heart of Sri Lanka, you'll find one of the world's most scenic train trips. I enjoyed my journey through the countryside and across the famous Nine Arch Bridge.

Over 5,000 elephants roam the island of Sri Lanka. I enjoyed multiple safaris during my visit. We also spotted rare sloth bears.


I would love to plan your adventure to Sri Lanka!



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